Page 844 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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the Casuarina Sands recreational swimming area is one of only a handful of free swimming areas in the ACT available to the public. Like most - - -

Mr Jensen: The Labor Party sold the rest off.

MRS GRASSBY: Mr Speaker, can you ask Mr Jensen to hold his tongue. I know that he went to Vietnam - he fought like hell but he still had to go - but if he would just let - - -

Mr Jensen: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Yes, please withdraw that, Mrs Grassby.

MRS GRASSBY: I withdraw it, Mr Speaker. It was meant as a joke, but we know that he does not have a sense of humour. When I said "he fought like hell but he still had to go", it was only meant as a joke, Mr Speaker; but, if he cannot take a joke, then that is his problem.

Like most casuarinas - - -

Mr Duby: What is a casuarinas?

MRS GRASSBY: I am sorry; most Canberrans. I am sorry, Mr Speaker. I am still thinking of the fact that I made a joke to Mr Jensen; but he could not take it as a joke and I had to withdraw it. It is still annoying me, Mr Speaker.

Mr Collaery: You are going to dwell on that, aren't you?


MRS GRASSBY: At least you had a sense of humour, Mr Collaery; you could laugh. Like most Canberrans - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mrs Grassby! The time for private members' business has expired. It being 12.30 pm, the debate is interrupted in accordance with standing order 77, as amended by temporary order.

MRS GRASSBY: Mr Speaker, I would wish to take this up again, so I seek leave to continue my remarks later.

MR SPEAKER: Certainly.

Sitting suspended from 12.30 to 2.30 pm

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