Page 820 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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industrial action has been minimal. I think another example there that indicates this Government's commitment to consultation and ongoing good relations with the trade union movement is indicated by the establishment of our Public Sector Management Board, which, of course, has representatives from the trade union movement on it. It is able to implement and review policies affecting public service sector workers within the Territory.

The record of the Alliance Government as regards the management of industrial relations should not be judged on the relatively few instances of disputes that have occurred. As I have said, in my view they are minimal, although they tend to gain extensive media coverage, particularly when they have a political tail to them. The fact of the matter is that the Alliance Government is satisfied that, through cooperation with employers and unions, it is establishing a stable industrial relations base for the necessary reforms of the public sector and for the growth of the private sector here in the ACT.

If anyone maintains that this Government is failing to provide competent industrial relations management in the ACT, I think, frankly, they are talking through their hat. The runs are on the board and the record is there for all to see. We stand up very well, and our ongoing and good relations with the trade union movement in this Territory shall only continue to get closer and warmer.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (11.14): I feel constrained to endorse the comments of my colleagues, and to add a few brief words from my ministerial portfolio. But before I get to my portfolio, I do want to say that for a short time I acted as Chief Minister of the Territory and I had reason to deal with the industrial relations branch staff of Mr Kaine's department. I can only say that I was impressed by their performance. One or two matters arose that required attention, and I believe that Mr Berry's motion, consciously or unconsciously, cast a slur on the management skills of that important area of the ACT Government Service, and I do not think it was merited. Perhaps Mr Berry can clarify whether he intended to criticise the industrial relations staff of our ACT Government Service.

Mr Speaker, the other aspect of the issue, of course, is that our managers are being trained constantly to adjust to industrial relations skill management. That is an ongoing matter that has not started under our Government, but it is a satisfying process, and the evidence lies in the effective industrial relations skills of many of our managers and middle managers in the ACT Government Service. Speaking with experience, there have been a number of very complex and difficult situations emerge in corrective services, in welfare, in disability services and in one or two other areas of my administration since I have been Minister.

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