Page 789 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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number of circumstances where a registrar may refuse a licence, and that is an area of discretion. I have had it put to me that this is inappropriate, that there is no appeal and that that is a fundamental breach of rights. If there were no appeal, that would be a good argument. But this is no mere distortion or misreading of the legislation; it is an outright lie. Clause 98 is headed "Review of decisions". It states:

Application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for a review of a decision ...

It goes on to refer to the granting of a licence, refusal to grant a licence, refusing to approve, and so on. There are clear powers of appeal in relation to licensing decisions which will affect citizens of this Territory. But that is not what they have been told. They have been told that there is no right of appeal. They have been told that arbitrary powers are being exercised. They have been told that this is unconstitutional invasion of their liberties. That is nonsense. It is stuff and nonsense, and Mr Stevenson should be ashamed of himself.

Mr Stevenson: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. No, I

think it is a little bit more important than that. Mr Connolly, as someone who has been trained in the law, should understand that if he makes such allegations he should have evidence of them.

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order. Can we stop the clock while he goes on with this?


Mr Connolly: I am sure they will give me an extension of time. I can see it coming.

Mr Stevenson: Certainly, I put out a media release on the matter, and the first point - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! This is a personal explanation. I believe that you can make that at the end of Mr Connolly's speech.

Mr Stevenson: It depends on the situation. I do not believe that it can wait while Mr Connolly continues to mislead the Assembly without having any evidence.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Stevenson! This is not a valid point of order.

MR CONNOLLY: Mr Speaker, I will give only one more example of these mischievous assertions that are going around the community. Citizens are concerned because they have been told that there is no compensation; that if their licence is cancelled and they are required to surrender weapons there will be no compensation. Legitimately, citizens are concerned about that. But again, that is an outright lie.

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