Page 776 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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the officers from the Department of Education, after some time of questioning, all accepted that once they closed the schools we had a situation that was far less safe for our children.

We can compare Mr Duby's attitude to that with his attitude to the safety of people down on the Murrumbidgee. What we have is a situation where this Government has taken a decision to reduce the safety of our children. That is the reality of it. Having done that, having made that decision, they then - - -

Mr Duby: That is not true. These road arrangements that arose as a matter of public importance are in place at schools that have not been affected by the reshaping program, and you know it. For example, Lyneham Primary School has had a system like that for some time.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Duby, please desist.

MR MOORE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Having made that decision - - -

Mr Kaine: Mr Moore is off his trolley, Mr Speaker.

Mr Connolly: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Order! What did he say? I did not hear what he said.

Mr Connolly: The Chief Minister said, "Mr Moore is off his trolley".

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Kaine, if that sort of language was used in debate I would certainly stop it; but, as it was an aside that should not be made in the first place, let alone recorded, unless Mr Moore is offended by it I will let the matter go.

Mr Kaine: He was not the slightest bit offended.

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I think it is appropriate that it be withdrawn, for this reason: If we go back through the Hansard and look at the number of times that Mr Collaery has suggested that my psychiatric state is less than normal, we can see that we have another case of that here with the Chief Minister implying the same. I would appreciate it if he would withdraw it.

MR SPEAKER: Chief Minister, under the circumstances, would you please withdraw your aside.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I do not regard what I said as being in any way offensive - and if anybody on that side said it about me I would just laugh about it. But, if they are so sensitive, particularly Mr Connolly, that they react so violently to an aside that was intended to be humorous, then I withdraw it. But I think it indicates just how petty-minded these people are.

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