Page 770 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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on. She said that he did all this without looking. Whether they look or not, I think the idea of creating something in the middle and suggesting that it is safe for children, when it fairly obviously is not, is a problem that we should address, and we should address it fairly quickly. I believe that the matter is going to be reviewed mid-year. Mr Duby looks a touch puzzled.

Mr Duby: What is going to be reviewed? I was not listening; I am sorry, Mr Stevenson.

MR STEVENSON: Okay. You miss all the good bits.

Mr Collaery: No, he does not.

MR STEVENSON: He said that he was not listening. You would remind him, would you, Attorney-General?

The information that was given to householders in the areas of these foot crossings - and, once again, I commend the idea of keeping people informed; it is a wonderful idea - said that the matter was going to be reviewed, as I recall, mid-year to see whether or not it was working, whether any changes needed to be made, and whether or not the things might be concreted over in the future to make a real island there.

Of course, what that would do is totally prevent cars from parking along both sides of the road, not just make it difficult for them.

Mr Jensen: It is called traffic calming, Dennis.

MR STEVENSON: Traffic calming, is it? The situation is that, if you come out of Blackwood Terrace to try to turn right into Dixon Drive, it is practically impossible to turn right without running over the island that is there at the moment. That could be solved by setting the end of the island some metres further back. I think a far better line to take in this matter would be, first of all, to find out how many children are crossing in any one area, and then to make sure that all the children are well educated in the practice of crossing streets safely, not just the theory. I think marked pedestrian foot crossings should be laid down and children should be taught to cross at the marked pedestrian foot crossing, where drivers will be more likely to recognise that that is where people are going to be crossing.

I think street signs should be used - as they are very effectively in some of these areas - to let drivers know that they are approaching a school crossing. Also I think flags could be used. They could be manned or unmanned, as I mentioned; and, once again, people would have an opportunity to do some volunteer work. It is something we need to look at very quickly. It is without doubt a matter of public importance, judging from the number of people that have been concerned about it.

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