Page 765 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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Ringing in my ears is a speech by Mr Moore at the conclusion of a debate concerning the National Aquarium, where he beat his breast and said that he decried forever the raising of unfounded allegations in this house. He was referring, of course, to allegations raised and directed within the Residents Rally by him and another member of the Rally - not me or anyone in this house - concerning the National Aquarium. I find it quite inconsistent of Mr Moore to make an anonymous allegation against the front bench of this ministry in the style and the manner in which he did it in question time today.

It is a matter which would be of public interest, and it is a matter which he has a duty to make clear, both in substance and in gravity. He did not make his case. He simply asked the question. I am pleased that the house can note that Mr Moore is disposed to make this kind of allegation, because he sought very strongly once in this house to put that type of conduct onto me. The casino tendering process - - -

Mr Moore: You have never done anything like it!

MR COLLAERY: Always with names, Mr Moore. The casino tendering process has been conducted at arm's length from the Government.

Mr Berry: That is not true.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, I ask you to withdraw that statement. Please rise. I ask you to withdraw the "not true" statement.

Mr Berry: I withdraw that statement. That is a deliberate distortion.

Mr Collaery: That is a qualified withdrawal, Mr Speaker.

Mr Berry: No, it is not. It has been accepted.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. Unfortunately, it has been accepted in today's proceedings.

Mr Kaine: It was not accepted in the context of a qualified withdrawal.

Mr Berry: I withdrew it.

MR SPEAKER: An unqualified withdrawal is required.

Mr Berry: That was an unqualified withdrawal. I will make it clear next time.

MR SPEAKER: It is now.

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