Page 728 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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Mr Collaery: We are going to assist with the censure, mate, but I would not be sure if - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery!

MR BERRY: Of course, there are two difficulties for Mr Collaery. One is that, if he opposes the censure motion moved by the Labor Opposition, then he supports the Minister's actions. If he seeks to amend the motion moved by Labor, then he of course walks away and offers a vote of no confidence in the Minister.

Mr Kaine: Do you think you have a two-edged sword? You have another think coming. It is very blunt.

MR BERRY: If you would keep order, Mr Speaker, - - -

Mr Jensen: Mr Berry is clearly implying, Mr Speaker, that you do not have control of the house.

MR BERRY: I withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker is very well aware of the bad behaviour on the opposite side of the house. I am sure he will address it in due course.

Only a fool would pretend that there is not, in our hospital system in the ACT at present, a crisis. I ask members of this Assembly whether anything has changed since Mr Humphries made that statement in this house on 15 November 1989, because that is what he said: "... only a fool would pretend that there is not, in our hospital system in the ACT at present, a crisis".

Mr Humphries took over the ministry after Labor was toppled in December 1989. In November 1989 he went on to say:

... six months of self-government have now elapsed. Last Saturday was the anniversary, and we are entitled to ask ourselves what improvements have been effected by this Government in the health system in that time; in particular, what improvements have occurred in our hospital system. The fact is ... that it has not got any better; it has got worse.

These are the sorts of words that are coming home to haunt this Minister and this Government - not only the Health Minister but the Chief Minister as well. He has to wear the responsibility for this, as I will show as we move through this debate. Things have changed.

Mr Kaine: For the better.

MR BERRY: They have got worse.

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