Page 713 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I can indicate to Mr Berry the fate of the Weston Creek Health Centre. I think Mr Berry underestimates the extent to which there have been discussions and consultations with members of the community, particularly those who have been tenants there, in order to ensure that there is a proper use of the space there and adequate consultation on the questions that are important to make that centre work properly. It is not true to say that there has not been consultation. I met with Dr Reeve some weeks ago and discussed with him his requirements and needs in that centre. I have also discussed this directly with the ILC and I believe that, in the circumstances, the outcome the Government has obtained here is very positive.

That outcome, I might indicate, Mr Speaker, was not mentioned by Mr Berry; but is as follows: As a result of an inquiry or a short study undertaken by the Government into the proper location of the Independent Living Centre it has been decided to locate that service to the Weston Creek Health Centre building. I am confident that that will occur in the very near future. Both Mr Collaery and I have agreed that this move should occur soon. It was the result of a unanimous recommendation from a group consisting of representatives of both of our departments and the Professional Officers Association who have an interest in this matter. That group recommended that there be a prompt move of that centre to Weston Creek. I am very happy to be able to comply with that and I am sure that there will be a convenient collocation of services with the other tenants who happen to be there as well.

I know that the Opposition like to beat these things up into great problems; but as it happens, Mr Speaker, we have a very happy outcome in this matter. All the tenants concerned are very happy with these arrangements. If Mr Berry can produce someone who is not happy I will be very happy to talk to that person, but I am yet to discover who they might be.

MR SPEAKER: I call the Chief Minister.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I request that - - -

Mr Berry: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: I have called the Chief Minister, Mr Berry.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I request that any further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Mr Berry: I seek leave, Mr Speaker - - -

Mrs Grassby: He was on his feet and he has a supplementary question.

Mr Kaine: So was I.

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