Page 705 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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Mrs Grassby: What has Bernard been up to?

Mr Collaery: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mrs Grassby put on the record, "What has Bernard been up to?". I ask you to stand her up and ask her to withdraw it.

Mr Berry: What have you been up to?

Mr Collaery: I have not met with any tenderers. There you are; that is for the record.


Mrs Grassby: I just asked what you had been up to.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I resent that.

Mrs Grassby: I will withdraw it. All I did was ask him what he had been up to.

Mr Collaery: You made a scandalous remark, Mrs Grassby.

MR SPEAKER: Order, please!

Mrs Grassby: I said, "What have you been up to?".

Mr Collaery: Coming from you, that is extraordinary.

Mrs Grassby: Just a moment, Mr Speaker.

Mr Collaery: If you stand up and withdraw, I will too.

Mrs Grassby: I withdrew mine.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery! Mr Collaery, would you please withdraw.

Mr Collaery: Well, Mr Speaker - - -

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Grassby has withdrawn.

Mr Collaery: She does not stand for you, Mr Speaker, I notice.

MR SPEAKER: Your point about standing is valid, Mr Collaery. I would ask all members to obey that rule in the standing orders. But, Mr Collaery, she did in fact withdraw.

Mr Collaery: She withdrew from her seat.


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