Page 683 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Yes, relevance please.

MR COLLAERY: I am referring to their motives behind their refusal to join with the committee structure in the Assembly, to join with this proposal to link the committees. It is an entirely appropriate proposal and I simply commend the motion to the house. I believe that the Opposition is exposed for what they are, which is a group of people unable to accept that they are in opposition, and because of that they are unable to behave like an Opposition.

Question put:

That the amendment (Ms Follett's) to Mr Berry's amendment be agreed to.

The bells being rung -

Mr Berry: We have been advised by our highly paid adviser that we should all speak in the adjournment debate.

Ms Follett: Well, no. Our highly paid adviser does not understand that we do not need a quorum for this.

Mr Kaine: You can talk your heads off in the adjournment debate, for all we care. Your highly paid adviser is as big a twit as you are if you want to do that.

Ms Follett: Mr Speaker, we have to have that withdrawn. I cannot have my staff referred to as big twits.

MR SPEAKER: I did not hear the comment.

Ms Follett: Well I did.

MR SPEAKER: I think, under the circumstances, we should hold comment. Everyone is a little tense. If we all just whistled Dixie we would be better off.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 5  NOES, 10 

Mr Berry Mr Collaery
Mr Connolly Mr Duby
Ms Follett Mr Humphries
Mr Moore Mr Jensen
Mr Wood Mr Kaine
 Dr Kinloch
 Ms Maher
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak

Question so resolved in the negative.

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