Page 666 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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MR KAINE: Okay, it is the same thing. With the way that Mr Berry operates on committees, on 10 September 1991 we would come along seeking an extension of time, because he will not participate. He will keep up with his same trick of non-participation - - -

Mr Moore: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. There is a clear attempt by the Chief Minister to mislead the Assembly in that he said, "the way Mr Berry operates on committees". He can have no possible knowledge of how Mr Berry operates on committees because he has never been on a committee at the same time as Mr Berry - unless somebody has been revealing what goes on in committees, which is against standing order 241.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. I do not uphold your objection, Mr Moore. Chief Minister, proceed.

MR KAINE: I know because Mr Berry openly admits that he will not attend the committee meetings, and he puts in dissenting reports telling us that he will not attend them. It is on the record.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I am sure that you can vouch for my attendance and working on committees. The peddling of that sort of inaccuracy is over the top.

Mr Duby: On a point of order: What is the point of order?

Mr Kaine: What point of order, Mr Speaker? There is none.

MR SPEAKER: That objection is overruled, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: Well, I would just like you to vouch for my attendance at - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! If you would bear with me, Chief Minister, I can certainly vouch that Mr Berry does attend the meetings of the committee that I chair. Please proceed, Chief Minister.

MR KAINE: He certainly does not attend the meetings of the committee that deals with planning; by his own admission he does not.

The other point in this amendment to which I particularly object - and it demonstrates the convoluted thinking of the people opposite - is that, while they argue that this Executive influences the committees, which is totally untrue, he in his own amendment attempts to put constraints on the committee as to whom it can appoint as chairman. And he talks about the independence of committees! He talks with a forked tongue. He will impose constraints when it suits him.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: That is a term commonly used to accuse people of lying and it is unparliamentary. It should be withdrawn.

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