Page 663 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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Mr Berry: It is collective stuff. I think we have been through this before. There have been plenty of precedents.

Mr Jensen: On the point of order, Mr Speaker: In relation to collective responsibility, I refer you to page 487 of House of Representatives Practice, which refers to a ruling made by Speaker Snedden in relation to this matter. I note also that Speaker Snedden said in his remarks, "We had allowed it before", but that he had decided that he should review that decision. I just draw that to your attention, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Jensen. I draw members' attention to the fact that, under the circumstances at the time, as I see it from the chair, sometimes the position that you outlined is allowable and other times it certainly is not. The fact is that under this circumstance I think it was out of order, Mr Berry, and I would ask you to withdraw.

Mr Berry: I described the committee system as "this fraud", Mr Speaker. That is hardly - - -

MR SPEAKER: Yes, that is right, and that is challenging the whole of this Assembly.

Mr Berry: Well, I think it is true.

MR SPEAKER: I think it is unparliamentary to do so.

Mr Berry: It is a fraudulent action.

MR SPEAKER: Well, I do not believe so and I think most members of this Assembly take offence at that.

Mr Berry: I will change it to "farcical". How about that? I withdraw "fraudulent" and replace it with "farcical". That will do.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. That is acceptable. Chief Minister, do you have a point of order?

Mr Kaine: No, I am not up on a point of order. I want to speak. His time has run out and I am seeking to be recognised.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Berry's time has expired.

Ms Follett: Do you want an extension?

MR BERRY: Yes, I would love an extension.

MS FOLLETT (Leader of the Opposition) (6.00): I move:

That Mr Berry be granted an extension of time.

I do so because of the constant interruptions and constant harassment.

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