Page 661 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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Mr Kaine: I can substantiate it. He was reading into Hansard what he alleged I said, and it was not what I said.

MR SPEAKER: Order! He was in the process of withdrawing when you, in fact, made the challenge again. I would ask both of you to withdraw.

Mr Kaine: Well, good enough. I hope that he does withdraw. When he withdraws, then I will consider my position.

MR BERRY: You can consider your position all you like. You do not run the place.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Kaine, you came in then. Would you withdraw that statement, please?

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I re-assert: When he withdraws his statement - - -

MR SPEAKER: No, no, that is not the way - - -

Mr Kaine: When he withdraws the statement that he made that was not true, then I will withdraw my statement.

Ms Follett: You have been asked to withdraw.

MR SPEAKER: Order! It does not matter who goes first.

Mr Kaine: Yes, it does. I want him to withdraw his untrue statement.

MR SPEAKER: Would you both stand up together and withdraw at the same time? This is childish. Would you please withdraw?

MR BERRY: Do you want us to shake hands and kiss or something?

MR SPEAKER: The point is that both of you were about to withdraw. You have both made statements that are unparliamentary.

MR BERRY: I will clarify my position. If the Chief Minister still finds some difficulty with it, I will withdraw it. I said that the Chief Minister told us this morning that he had considered the matter of Executive Deputy involvement in committees, and he had decided to leave it as it was. My description of that is that it is an involvement of the Executive in committees of this Assembly. That is a matter of fact.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, what he has just said is totally different to what he was trying to read into Hansard before. Now that he has restated it and expressed his own view, rather than attributing it as something I said, I withdraw.

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