Page 644 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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So, trying to handle the various imposts of government across so many different areas - - -

Mr Moore: Free telephones is the answer.

MR STEVENSON: Telephone bills are far too costly. Telecom is spending a fortune at the moment, suggesting to people that after six o'clock on Saturday night you can actually start to make some phone calls that do not cost the world. What about the situation where at least after six o'clock at night you could get decent prices? What happened to that? Telecom charges are outrageous. The cost of postage is outrageous. These are government groups that have a monopoly in the area.

Do young people want a job? Most people do. It absolutely does not help them that they have been through an education system that encourages them to look upon life as "What can life give me?", not "What can I do via service to others?". I have interviewed literally hundreds and hundreds of people for work, and in the majority of cases, I say sadly, the standard was not good at all. One could not be convinced that these people were going to increase the viability of a business, whether I was hiring them in my own businesses or for other people.

So many young children these days do not want to get "a" job. They want "the" job. Let us look at the CES as an example. I have had positions advertised in the CES for over a year with not one single applicant. I know of many people within the business area who refuse to use the CES any more. They have decided that this government organisation that is supposed to be there to help people get a job is an absolute waste of time. What is wrong with it?

I have seen people go along to companies, reading a newspaper, carrying a can of coke, with thongs and so on, trying to get a job, supposedly trying to convince the employer that they are worthy of being employed. One would not be mistaken in considering that a number of these people want to make sure that they do not get a job. Whenever you pay people not to work, the one thing that you can guarantee is that you will get a lot of people not working. The responsibility lies with the people who do not demand of their governments that they operate in a sensible manner and create a business environment where businesses can flourish and prosper. If you create that environment, that is exactly what will happen. If you suppress them, if you create an environment where they will have to struggle for every dollar, then it will do nothing to solve the problems that we have in our society.

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