Page 634 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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youth unemployment rate in Victoria was 12.7 per cent; by January 1991, the youth unemployment rate in that State had increased to a massive 25.1 per cent. It increased from 12.7 to 25.1 per cent; that is a 100 per cent increase. That is a testimony to Labor. It is not confined to poor old Victoria. What about Labor's favourite son, Mr Bannon, in South Australia? In January 1990, the youth unemployment rate in South Australia was 17.9 per cent; by January of this year it had increased to 27 per cent. Western Australia is no exception, with the youth unemployment rate increasing from 16.2 per cent in January 1990 to 25.5 per cent in January this year.

So, what is so peculiar about Canberra? If those Labor States cannot hack it, and they have much bigger and more broad-based economies than ours, how is it that we in this Government are supposed to be able to fix the world's ills? Again, Ms Follett should be talking to her Labor cronies around Australia, so that they can put some pressure on Mr Keating and Mr Hawke to fix the national economy. That is where the problem lies.

All of this, of course, is a glowing testimony to the performance of Labor. It also demonstrates the hypocrisy of the Leader of the Opposition, to come into this chamber and to attempt to lay the blame at the feet of this Government. I accused her of intellectual laziness and intellectual dishonesty. It obviously stung, because she has been using those words ever since. I really hit home when I used those words, obviously. And, of course, she is not here; as usual, having fired her shots she disappears. She never stays to participate in the debate after she has fired her few angry shots; she disappears.

Mr Duby: That is not intellectual laziness; that is just laziness.

MR KAINE: The unemployment rate of youth in the ACT is high. It is something we are extremely concerned about - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker: Those sorts of imputations need to be withdrawn. The unnecessary imputation by Mr Duby that people are lazy needs to be withdrawn. It is unparliamentary.

Mr Kaine: If they are not here earning their keep, it is reasonable to say that they are lazy.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Kaine. Resume your seat, please, for a moment. Mr Berry - - -

Mr Berry: It is unparliamentary and just plain rude.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: I do not accept that, Mr Berry, in the context of the debate at the moment.

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