Page 632 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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it had a significant impact on hard-core youth unemployment. A similar response is needed in the Street Link program.

Mr Speaker, we also need to attack employment discrimination against this group head on. An important component of this is effective anti-discrimination legislation - something, of course, that this Government is proving incapable of delivering. But just as important is the introduction of positive incentives for the employment of people from disadvantaged groups. This could be in the form of direct subsidies to employers or tax relief measures.

Mr Speaker, the reason why I raised this MPI today was not to set out detailed policies on youth unemployment. It was, rather, to try to get across to the Chief Minister that there is a problem, that something can be done and something must be done. The Chief Minister and his Alliance cannot continue to leave their heads in the sand, saying that there is no problem and that our economy is performing relatively well.

I know, and I fully expect, that Mr Kaine will get up and accuse me of cheap political point scoring. That is his usual debating style and, to do him credit, he is at least consistent on that point. But I trust that what we will also get from the Chief Minister is some indication that on the question of youth unemployment - one of the most difficult problems facing our community - he is at last beginning to listen to the people.

MR KAINE (Chief Minister) (4.28): I would have to say, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, that in raising this issue the Leader of the Opposition is deliberately and cynically ignoring the economic circumstances which have created the ACT's, and, indeed, Australia's, unemployment problems, and which exist because of her Labor colleagues across the lake.

Ms Follett said that youth unemployment has been on the rise during the last eight or nine months while the Alliance Government has been in office. It is rather interesting that overall unemployment has been on the rise nationally during the last eight or nine years while Labor has been in office federally, and the ACT situation and ACT youth are merely a subset of the whole. If unemployment increases nationally, of course, it increases here; and if youth unemployment increases nationally, of course, it increases here. Indeed, the very economic factor - - -

Members interjected.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Jensen): Order, Mr Kaine! Members, Ms Follett was heard in silence. I would request that you do the same for the Chief Minister.

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