Page 620 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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We are assured by the people who are responsible that it is not a matter of whether somebody else will drown there; it is merely a question of when.

I am not about to have that on my conscience. You can, if you like, Mrs Grassby. If you thought this was so important, why did you not fix it when you were the Minister? You shrugged off the question, like you did everything else when you were the Minister. You did nothing. Well, that is not the policy of this Government. The policy of this Government is to address the question and to address it seriously.

We know that it is a sensitive question, that some people have some very strong views of an emotional kind about Casuarina Sands. I am not prepared to stack that up against somebody dying there. Removing that weir will not materially affect the amenity of that location. There is still a big swimming hole there. There is still a picnic area there. There is still bushwalking there. There will still be swimming holes where this current weir is that will be fine for the kids. They were fine before the weir was built; they will be fine again. The sandbank that used to be there will re-establish itself. It will be a beautiful area. Thousands of people have enjoyed it; thousands of people will continue to enjoy it in the future without the danger of losing their life. That, to me, is the bottom line.

MR MOORE, by leave: It would have been more appropriate for Mr Duby to have moved that the paper be noted. There has been such gross hypocrisy from the Chief Minister and members of the Government.

Mr Kaine: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. I take gross exception to the fact that when I am talking about saving human life I am accused of being a hypocrite. I would like him to withdraw it.

MR MOORE: Now I will explain why, Mr Speaker.


MR MOORE: It is quite clear, Mr Speaker, from the Estimates Committee - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! I would ask you to withdraw it and then explain yourself.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I shall withdraw the word for the time being.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

Mr Kaine: For the time being?

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