Page 617 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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This leads me to my next point, which concerns the coroner's recommendations after Brandon's death. Mr Speaker, let us not be misled by the arguments of some into thinking that the coroner has recommended that the weir be demolished, because this is simply not the case. The coroner, in fact, following Brandon's tragic death, recommended that there be more signs in the area. Mr Speaker, let me tell you; there is a sign way up on the hill that you need glasses to read and it is only in English. It is in no other language, which I think is great! There is nothing down near the gate. There is nothing on the gate to say that the river is flowing and you should not go in. This means that this Government has completely fallen down and wants to blame everybody else.

Mr Jensen: There is, when the gate is closed, Ellnor.

MRS GRASSBY: There is no sign; so that is it. There is no sign down below. There is one tiny sign up on a hill, in English, which you can hardly read unless you have glasses on.

Mr Jensen: Get your facts right.

MRS GRASSBY: I have got my facts very right. You ought to get yours right, Mr Jensen. You would even give an Aspro a headache, Mr Jensen.

Mr Kaine: You should go and talk to people.

MRS GRASSBY: You say, "Go and talk to people". Last night I rang up 10 people who live in Weston Creek, who I did not know and who did not know me, and asked them how they felt about the demolition. Do you know why I picked Weston Creek? I did so because it beat us two to one in the election. It was the most Liberal area in the whole of Canberra and I decided to see how they felt. I can tell you right now that they were very upset about it. I pointed out to them that at the next election they should get rid of these idiots because these are the ones who want to do it to them.

Mr Humphries: So, that is why you are doing it - to win votes. It is all about winning votes, is it?

MRS GRASSBY: You will not win votes. You will not be here. Mr Speaker, recently $70,000 was spent on improving safety features in the area and around the weir. How many casualties have occurred since that expenditure? The answer is none; absolutely none. Having spoken to the residents of the Cotter community, it is clear that they, like many others in the Canberra community, believe that Mr Duby's initial decision was too hasty. Casuarina Sands, as a recreational swimming area, is still a very popular spot with the ACT residents and many interstate and overseas visitors. The initial decision to demolish the weir, if it goes ahead, will destroy the site as a popular swimming area for many ACT families. Mr Speaker, I could read to

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