Page 613 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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A further $1.8m has been spent on associated landscaping and revegetation works. In the Casuarina Sands-Cotter area alone some $1.1m has been directed towards improving recreational facilities in this time. It must also be acknowledged that Canberra's lakes and swimming pools, with the exception of Manuka and Civic pools, have been developed since the weir was built and now offer a range of far safer alternative swimming opportunities than those that existed in the early 1960s.

In recent times Australian courts have determined substantial judgments against land management agencies where it was found that the agencies had failed in their duty of care to protect users. Further incidents at Casuarina Sands could, I am sure, be the subject of such actions.

Mr Speaker, all the relevant authorities have been informed. These include the Federal Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories - Mrs Ros Kelly's department - the National Capital Planning Authority and the Australian Heritage Commission. None of them have raised any objection. The weir will be removed in an environmentally sensitive way. Machinery will be used to remove the concrete, steel and rubble from the bed of the river. An underwater examination will then be made by police divers to ensure that the river is clear of all material that may be dangerous.

The most suitable period to remove the weir is February or March, coinciding with low river flows. It is expected, Mr Speaker, that the project will take up to four weeks to complete and during this period the public will be excluded from the upstream recreation area at Casuarina Sands. I would like to point out that public access will still be permitted to the much more popular downstream swimming hole at Casuarina Sands.

The Government is committed to the provision of a variety of river recreation opportunities. Once the weir has been removed the area will be improved by the provision of additional landscaping and works to stabilise the river bank from erosion. The lives of both swimmers and rescuers will continue to be at risk while ever the upper weir remains. In view of the definite dangers that exist at the Casuarina Sands upper weir, the likelihood that more tragedies will occur and the fact that safer alternative swimming areas are now available, Mr Speaker, the Government believes that the removal of the weir at Casuarina Sands, the upper weir, must proceed as soon as possible. Mr Speaker, I present the following paper:

Casuarina Sands Weir - Future - Ministerial statement, 21 February 1991.

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