Page 586 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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these three definitional questions: Whether or not the contract means a written or verbal contract; what the definition of "person" is within the definition of "supplier"; and, within the definition of "trade premises", what the term "established place of business" means. I am getting no indication here, so perhaps I should explain a little bit more.

Tomorrow we start the Canberra Show. There will be many people coming to Canberra to run various businesses, if you like, at the showground. I do not believe that that would be constituted as their established place of business. Once again, it is hard to tell whether or not it is because - - -

Mrs Grassby: Oh, that is ridiculous.

MR STEVENSON: Mrs Grassby says, "Oh, Dennis". You tell me whether the showground constitutes an established place of business.

Mrs Grassby: Of course it does. We rent stalls to them, so it is a business.

MR STEVENSON: Are you saying that it constitutes an established place of business?

Mrs Grassby: Yes, because we rent them stalls.

MR STEVENSON: Because we rent them stalls, okay. Who is "we"?

Mr Duby: Me.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Duby rents them stalls.

Mr Duby: I am a landlord.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Duby is the landlord. Where does it say within this legislation that it is okay if Mr Duby rents space but it is not okay if somebody else rents space? Once again, these are important points. These interpretations will have an effect on how various sections operate within this Act. Once again, if Mr Collaery does not want to say anything, could he give me a nod and say that he will address those three questions now while we are talking about the interpretation? Was that a nod?

Mr Collaery: He has had three months to ask this, Mr Speaker.


MR STEVENSON: Look, a wink is as good as a nod.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Stevenson! Order! Please proceed, Mr Stevenson.

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