Page 576 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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it on people. If you are not sure about 2,4,5-T, or 2,4-D or other drugs that medical people and dentists know about - and you do know about the disasters in the past where drugs have been taken and we have realised later on that it was not a wise thing to do at the time - when there is reasonable doubt, leave it out. That is undoubtedly a reasonable statement in this whole issue. The question is: Is there reasonable doubt?

Mr Humphries: No.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Humphries says no. That is absolutely an unknowing statement or it covers up something else. Where you have a report that names over 1,000 scientists who are opposed to fluoride - I could fill a book if I wanted to put the time into it - you cannot logically, analytically and reasonably make the statement that there is no reasonable doubt. In fact, if you read the report in total, you find that it is not a matter of reasonable doubt because the question has been proven beyond reasonable doubt in court case after court case. With 1,000 scientists named as opposing fluoridation, to say that there is no reasonable doubt is an absolutely unreasonable statement to be made by someone who has responsibility for the health of Canberrans, namely, Mr Gary Humphries, the Minister for Health.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (12.25): I will speak briefly on this matter. Mr Stevenson wants to dispense with several important stages. He wants to dispense with public debate - - -

Mr Berry: No, you have convinced us.

Mrs Grassby: Do not worry, Gary; we believe now.

MR HUMPHRIES: I will say one more thing, since I have convinced those opposite.

Mr Stevenson: You have not convinced me. I do not want to dispense with debate.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Mr Stevenson!

MR HUMPHRIES: We cannot have a Government response, a full public debate, a full debate in this Assembly, and draft legislation - if that is appropriate - and the presentation, debate and passage of legislation within 68 days. That is what Mr Stevenson is saying. It cannot be done. We need more time.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Title agreed to.

Bill agreed to.

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