Page 574 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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I fully believe that the Alliance is endeavouring to put this important matter for Canberrans off as long as they can, and it simply is not okay. People are suffering under this compulsory drugging, and this should not happen. There has been a recommendation made by this committee. Although I consider it should have been totally prevented from being added to the water supply, nevertheless the recommendation has been made to halve it. This recommendation was made because of the build-up of fluorides in the community, and also because of concerns about ill-health of the people of Canberra. I repeat that: Because of concerns about ill-health of the people in Canberra caused by too much fluoride. It is something that we should not put off to the never-never - six months away.

There is no member in this Assembly who could correctly state that I think Bills should be rushed through. I have raised two matters of public importance. I have stood again, and again, and again and will continue to do so when matters are being rushed through. There is a difference in this case. People are already being subjected to compulsory drugging with fluoride. The longer we allow that to go on, the more the people will - not can - have their health adversely affected, and they will suffer.

Indeed, I moved that the matter be allowed an extension of time, but that was not agreed to by the Alliance. How does Mr Humphries reconcile the two, when they have previously agreed that there should not be an extension of time for the reporting date of the inquiry? We have done the job; we have looked at the issue.

Mr Duby: We agreed to your extension of time for the reporting date. What are you talking about?

MR STEVENSON: The extension that I moved last year for the reporting date on the fluoride inquiry committee was not agreed to.

Mr Duby: Yes, it was. We agreed to it.

MR STEVENSON: It was done for an entirely different reason and at an entirely different time.

Ms Maher: I agreed to it.

MR STEVENSON: Thank you. My extension was not agreed to. I did it then because of health matters. I do it now because of health matters. The committee has recommended a reduction by half. That should be debated in this Assembly fairly soon. I do not want it brought on this week, or next week, or the week after. What I say is that it should certainly be within two months. That will allow people time to read the report. That will allow them time to understand that the committee has concerns for the health of people. We should not put this matter off until August.

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