Page 554 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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he was elected to this committee, and participate, then the committee will work. The committee will work if he will participate. He sits there in his office; Mr Jensen does all the work; and then Mr Berry just attaches this snide little bit to the back that says, "The committee: I do not participate and I abstain".

If he wants to abstain, let him resign from the committee and let the Assembly appoint another member who will make up the committee to its full strength. Let us get on with it, and stop hiding behind this spurious argument that you keep putting forward. I do not accept it; nor does any reasonable thinking person accept it. It is an outright lie that Mr Jensen is in any way directed by the Government in this matter. You accept responsibility for your own actions, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I think the Chief Minister said that I told an outright lie. I think he should be ordered to withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: The situation is that I believe, Chief Minister, that we should not accuse members from either side across the house of lying, unless we raise a substantive issue. I would ask you to withdraw that.

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, I said that it is an outright lie to assert that the chairman of this committee is directed in any way by the Government. If he takes that unto himself, then that is his position, not mine. I did not say that he was a liar. I said that it is an outright lie to assert that the chairman is in any way directed by this Government. That is a fact; it is a matter of truth; and I do not withdraw it.

MR SPEAKER: I take your point on that, Chief Minister. I go back on my original statement there.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: The fact of the matter is that the Chief Minister has very carefully clarified his position to ensure that the insinuation was directly pointed at me - that I had lied. I ask you to order him to withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: I have given a ruling on that, Mr Berry. I believe that it was a general statement and that it can be directed at a number of members at times because this statement has been made on a number of occasions. I do not know whether you have been directly responsible, but other members certainly have. I think it is a general statement.

Mr Berry: I assume that that will set the pace for future debate.

MR SPEAKER: You may assume that, Mr Berry.

Mr Collaery: I seek leave to add a few words on this matter.

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