Page 488 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 20 February 1991

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here, it would be far better to return the money to general revenue in order to have a decision made about how it ought to be spent or how it ought to be saved and in order for scrutiny in due time by the Estimates Committee, which I believe has performed a very important function. I think probably all of us would agree that the function performed by the Estimates Committee is a most significant and most important function.

Mr Speaker, I have brought this motion to the Assembly so that the Public Accounts Committee can assess exactly what the detail is, how many projects fit into this category, how much money is overestimated, and the size of the problem.

It may well be that there is a minimal problem and that the Public Accounts Committee decides that the way it is done at the moment is perfectly reasonable. But I think it is important that the community knows that and understands that that is the case. At no stage am I suggesting that in any way the money is spent in an untoward or illegal fashion. There is no question of that; I think we are all aware that that is not in any way the suggestion here. However, I still think it is important from an accountability point of view that the Public Accounts Committee look at this issue closely.

In my second point I seek to quantify the amount set aside in budgeted estimates and money. I have purposely left that open. It is quite appropriate, I think, for the Public Accounts Committee to consider the 1990-91 budget, but I also feel that it would be appropriate for the Public Accounts Committee to have room to move. It may well be the case that in their investigation they decide that they wish to look back at the previous budget. If they look at the 1990-91 budget, then, because the spending has not been completed yet, it is also significant that they would not be able to report until well after July. With that in mind, I have left open the reporting date to allow the committee to look into the issue and decide what is the appropriate reporting date.

I do not believe that this is a matter that is narrowed down to the Alliance Government; it is more a matter to be dealt with by the government of the day. Therefore, if the Public Accounts Committee report were, for example, to come down in December, the information would be available for whoever takes government after February next year. I believe that it is quite appropriate for that to be the case. If the Public Accounts Committee can report earlier and the Government can respond, that is fine; but I think accountability is most important, particularly because of the Auditor-General's report. Some of the criticisms he has made emphasise the importance of accountability of managers, and I think this will assist in that accountability.

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