Page 485 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 20 February 1991

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Mr Kaine: You cannot speak and then also seek to have it adjourned.

Mr Moore: Yes, you can. It is by leave; if we give him leave to do it, he can do it.

Mr Collaery: No, he has not adjourned the Bill. He is continuing his remarks.

Mr Kaine: But they are the concluding remarks to the debate. When you have finished speaking, that is the end of it. We are not going to open a new debate on it.


Ms Follett: I think it is up to the Speaker.

Mr Kaine: You are closing the debate on your Bill.

Mr Moore: That is the in-principle stage.

Mr Connolly: It is still on the table; we are taking up your offer.

MR SPEAKER: I take it that it is the wish of the Assembly that debate on this issue be adjourned at this stage?

Mr Berry: No, we sought leave.

Ms Follett: For the moment, yes.

MR SPEAKER: At this stage, Mr Berry, I have to conclude the debate.

Mr Collaery: Mr Connolly sought leave to continue his remarks at a later date.

MR SPEAKER: That is right; but I now see that nobody else wishes to speak - that is the situation that we are in - unless the debate is adjourned.

Mr Collaery: Let the record show, Mr Speaker, that the initiative has come from the Opposition.

Debate adjourned.

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