Page 475 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 20 February 1991

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I make no personal attack on Mr Connolly, because he is not a legislative draftsman. We do not know who is doing his work. But my message through you, Mr Speaker, to Labor's mystery hand is that they need to get up to date on drafting style; and they need to look at things like consequential amendments. As Mr Connolly knows, I gave him a page of comments on his Bill last week. It is full of problems and errors, and it takes up the time of public servants who are desperately attempting to get through our Bill schedule.

Mr Speaker, now I want to put down something Mrs Grassby said. Mrs Grassby quoted my union, the Law Society, on issues relating to this matter. Mr Speaker, those who were in this town 10 years ago know that I joined a group taking on that union about the right of conveyancers to advertise. So, let us get one thing straight; we all have our little factional issues, and the Law Society, of course, is my society; but certainly, Mr Speaker, it does not necessarily put any binding statements on me as a member of that society.

Mr Speaker, contrary to Mrs Grassby's statement, the Law Society's submission on the matter says very clearly:

While subject to the reservations expressed in this submission, there is some merit in establishing a rental bond board to cover private tenancy arrangements, in order to protect the bond moneys paid by a tenant to a landlord. There would not appear to be the same need, or indeed any need, to similarly protect bond moneys when they are held in the trust of a licensed real estate agent.

Mr Speaker, clearly Mrs Grassby is not aware of the position of the Law Society. The Law Society, in fact, does not agree either with Mr Connolly's proposition, because Mr Connolly's proposition, of course, embraces all bond moneys, as does ours in this Territory, including those moneys held by real estate agents. But, we are taking the comments of the Law Society, REI, ACTCOSS, the tenants union, and the many interested parties to note, and we are working through them in government, and we can work through them consultatively in this chamber. But, if the Opposition this afternoon issues a press release saying, "We have knocked out a rental bond structure", well shame on it. It will only be misleading the public again, as it constantly does.

Mr Speaker, the other issue that the Government is looking at in this consultative phase is the question as to whether alternative dispute resolution machinery cannot be employed by way of some of the other structures in this town. I think my colleague, Mr Stefaniak, will make some comments on the growing use by business people, and ordinary people, of bodies such as the Conflict Resolution Service and others, to settle fairly complex semi-commercial and neighbourhood disputes.

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