Page 443 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 19 February 1991

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Mr Jensen: We never said that at all, Ms Follett.

Mr Collaery: Tell the truth.

Mr Kaine: Stop misrepresenting the situation.

Mr Jensen: No fibs.

MS FOLLETT: They are quite satisfied with the current system because they think it is their best chance of retaining government. A further point I would like to make, Mr Speaker - and I am almost embarrassed to say it - is that Mr Kaine and other speakers have said that under a single member electorate system Labor would win 17 seats and would be in office for the next 10 years. I wish I shared their confidence. On the best analysis that I can make - and I am an optimist - I have given us 10 seats under 17 single member electorates.

I find it astonishing that in their desperation the Liberal Party is saying to the Canberra electorate, "Do not put in single member electorates because we will not win a single seat. We could not stand up in any area of Canberra and win a seat on our own merits". That is what the Liberal Party is saying to the people of Canberra. They purport to be in a position to govern. They purport that they have a right to govern. Yet they are saying that they could not win a seat in any area of Canberra. I am not saying it; they are saying it. Shame on them. Their agenda has been exposed, and their agenda is the status quo.

Mr Kaine: We always tell the truth; that is our problem.

MS FOLLETT: Their agenda is precisely the status quo because it gives them and half-baked parties like the Rally and totally hypocritical people like the No Self Government Party a chance to govern, and their only chance.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. I heard in interjections the imputation that the Leader of the Opposition was not telling the truth. Those imputations ought to be withdrawn. The interjections were from Mr Jensen and from the Chief Minister.

Mr Kaine: I did not say anything about the Leader of the Opposition - but I will not withdraw what I said.

Mr Berry: You said, "Tell the truth", which is an imputation that - - -

Mr Kaine: I did not say that; I said that the Liberal Party always tells the truth.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Members, I will review the Hansard and take a decision on that at some later date. It is too late to get into that now.

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