Page 426 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 19 February 1991

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ACT. I wonder whether Mr Humphries would argue that case in a referendum. I am sure that he would not. So, this final paragraph in Mr Humphries' motion deserves to be defeated. It would not have the support of the people of the ACT because it essentially argues for a retention of the current system.

Mr Humphries: Rubbish!

MR BERRY: Read it yourself.

Mr Humphries: It says nothing of the kind. It says that we oppose preferential voting being taken away.

MR BERRY: He is arguing for the retention of the current system. That is why an amendment has been moved to ensure that a more representative government is provided for the Australian Capital Territory, a system of government which would be won, we think, at a referendum.

I think we need to raise a couple of other issues that were mentioned before the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters. The self-selected people opposite, the Residents Rally people, were roundly criticised throughout the inquiry; but Senator Schacht really capped it off when he said that Hitler and Stalin used the same idea to justify their systems. Mr Collaery denied that, but Senator Schacht described it aptly. He said:

Community leaders selected themselves - they just happened to be selected by Joe or Adolf. This is extraordinary stuff you are saying to us, that community leaders - - -

Mr Collaery: Who said that? What page?

MR BERRY: Haven't you read it yet? He said:

This is extraordinary stuff you are saying to us, that community leaders select themselves without some process of give and take in your organisation.

Mr Collaery complained about what he described as selective reading from the transcript; so I intend to seek leave to incorporate in Hansard pages 181 to 197 inclusive of the transcript of evidence given to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters.

Mr Humphries: That is not very fair to the Hansard people.

Mr Connolly: Mr Collaery was demanding that we do it.

MR BERRY: Then everybody can read it and I am sure - - -

Mr Kaine: It does not need to be incorporated in our Hansard for us to read it. We are quite capable of - - -

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