Page 424 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 19 February 1991

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Dr Kinloch: We are also free-range.

MR BERRY: Dr Kinloch says that he is free-range. He would not have to convince anybody of that. He has no commitment to any of the things that he was elected upon and he is ranging free, rampaging over the schools and the hospitals, and he has no conscience about that. Free-range; I should say so.

I was reading from the transcript of the joint standing committee, Mr Speaker, a statement from Mr Collaery. I think he was talking about a member who had not been elected. He said, "There should be real parties, not arrangements for convenience ...". He said that a person at the tail end of a non-party "could have been elected on the flow-down and that could have produced some oddities". I just wonder whether he was referring to Dr Kinloch again because he was elected on the flow-down, as I recall, and he is certainly very odd, as has been recognised by the schools and health communities around the Territory. I think there are some - - -

Mr Jensen: Can I get a point of order there, Mr Speaker?

MR BERRY: Do not try it. Do not try it, because there is a bit of history now on this deviating from the point, Norm. You have had a bit of experience with the endorsement from the - - -

Mr Kaine: Are you saying that Mr Jensen is a deviant?

Mr Collaery: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. He is rambling.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Yes, come on. Mr Berry, please proceed.

MR BERRY: I would have to say that if the cap fits he should wear it, but I am sorry that he has to accuse the Chief Minister of rambling. One of the important things in all of this debate seems to be the move to support what seems to be a fashionable point of electing independents. We know, for example, that the Liberals would like to see independents elected, providing they behave like the Residents Rally and the No Self Government people and all that and toe the Liberal line; but I am sure that if there was a tendency towards more progressive independents they would lose interest in that argument. If you look at the batch opposite, what are they arguing for? A bunch of independents who are independent of morals, independent of memory? Take Mr Duby; he has lost his memory. No, you would not want him, would you? Independent of policies; independent of conscience; independent of their former parties, as one who shall go unnamed for the moment. I should say, too, that I understand that Mr Stevenson is no longer referring to himself as part of the Abolish Self Government Coalition. He is now the new independent Mr Stevenson.

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