Page 422 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 19 February 1991

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travesty of an electoral system. Today we find that the Federal Government wants to fiddle the system first and hand it back to the Assembly later on to fix up. I cannot understand that logic. It seems to me that this is our business, not the Federal Government's business ultimately, and I think we all ought to support the expressions in this motion.

I would hope, Mr Speaker, that ultimately we can provide for a stable electoral system in the ACT which is beyond controversy, which is above day-to-day politics, which is respected by people on different sides of this chamber and which, of course, is respected by the people of the ACT; but unless we have some role in determining that system I really cannot guarantee that that will be the case. I certainly could not guarantee the case where the Federal Government, not once but twice, seeks to impose on the people of the ACT electoral systems which are unique in this country, which are demonstrably unfair and which nobody in this chamber, for example, would seriously support. Mr Speaker, I commend the motion to the house.

Debate interrupted.


MR SPEAKER: Order! It being almost 9.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Collaery: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.


Debate resumed.

MR BERRY (9.29): In rising to speak on this matter, I draw members' attention to the amendment circulated in my name and formally move:

That all words after "power" in paragraph (2) be omitted and the following substituted:

", after the 1992 ACT election, and furthermore

(3) Expresses its regret that the Commonwealth Government has been unable to provide for a system of single Member electorates incorporating preferential voting."

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