Page 86 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 12 February 1991

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those events which are chronicled in the "Date Line" segment of this very fine document.

This does indeed make Mr Humphries anxious. I can see that he is gripping his seat. I too would be anxious at all of the reports which appear in that paper. But nobody could be more anxious than Mr Collaery, who is described herein as "Gunna" Collaery because of all of the promises that he has made to the community that he has not - and that is - - -

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I really must take exception. This debate is supposed to be about the self-government report, not about that sleazy piece of paper that he has in his hand. I request that you bring the debate back to the subject matter.

MR SPEAKER: The point of order is upheld. Please proceed to the point, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: I think this matter closely relates to the promise of a ministry to Mr Norm Jensen and how that will be received in the community. The community knows how the Residents Rally has performed. They know that they have been clutched to the bosom of the Liberal Party and that they share the philosophies of the Liberal Party in their abandonment of the residents that they set out to represent in the first place. Like chooks on a fence, they complain because they have been well caught out in this chronicle which has been circulated to the community in the ACT to point out the failings of the Government.

But nothing will point out the failings of the Government more than the promises of jobs for the boys which are evident in the proposal which has been developed and followed by this Government with a view to providing more positions and to add balance from a Residents Rally point of view. I think the community would live in fear of that. Thankfully, by the time it is all over it is hardly likely that we will see another Residents Rally Minister.

MR CONNOLLY (9.42): I rise but briefly in the debate tonight. At the outset I would just like to endorse some of the comments that Mr Humphries made in relation to entrenchment of electoral provisions. It has been a longstanding battle of the Labor Party at the State level in Australia for the last 20 years to provide fair electoral systems and always to entrench those electoral systems in such a way that they are beyond adjustment by a transient majority through requiring a referendum before electoral systems are changed.

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