Page 62 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 12 February 1991

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The question of total intake is very important, and I believe that the committee addressed it in a careful and considered way. Fluoride is also ingested from many sources: From the food we eat, the air we breathe, and pesticide, insecticide and fertiliser residues. Luckily for residents of the ACT and the city of Queanbeyan, we are not in an industrial city and do not have to worry about living in areas close to fluoride emitting industries.

Cigarettes have also been shown to contribute to the fluoride intake. In fact, I am very surprised that more information is not available in Australia relating to Australian cigarettes. It is purely speculation on my part, but it could be a reason why Japanese have very good teeth. There is no fluoride in the water supply. I guess many of us are aware of the high percentage of Japanese people who smoke.

In 1964 fluoridated toothpaste was not freely available either. In fact, as someone who has gone down the path of using unfluoridated toothpaste, I believe that recommendation 10.90 of this report is a very good one. Recommendation 10.90 says:

The Committee recommends that:

. the ACT Government initiate proposals through its membership on various interstate councils and make direct representations to toothpaste manufacturers to:

. make unfluoridated toothpaste readily available at prices comparable with fluoridated toothpaste; and

. cease practices that make fluoridated toothpaste unduly enticing and palatable to children (eg the addition of colourings (other than white) and flavourings).

Unfortunately, one of the major issues arising from the issue of water fluoridation is the lack of Australian research. The NHMRC working group acknowledged the need for more Australian research. The conclusion is quoted in the report at page 102. I would like to read just a small portion of that recommendation in paragraph 10.131:

The ACT is well placed to be a centre of further research in this area.

While I agree with recommendation 10.136, I would like to pursue the part that comes after that, which I think is very important. Paragraph 10.137 says that the committee has acknowledged that there are other issues which require further research, including the levels of intake of fluoride from all sources; the incidence of skeletal fluorosis in Australia; and the possible allergic or toxic reactions to fluoride and other adverse health effects.

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