Page 54 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 12 February 1991

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We all of us wish for peace. But we cannot have peace just by wishing for it or just by talking about it; we have to work for it, and sometimes, tragically, we have to fight for it. The great lesson of this century is that peace is bought at too high a price if that peace is the appeasement of aggression.

Hear, hear, Mr Speaker.

Question put:

That the motion (Mr Jensen's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -


Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Duby Mr Connolly
Mr Humphries Ms Follett
Mr Jensen Mrs Grassby
Mr Kaine Mr Moore
Ms Maher Mr Stevenson
Mrs Nolan Mr Wood
Mr Prowse
Mr Stefaniak

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

MR SPEAKER: The question now is: That the motion proposed by Mr Kaine, that the statement be noted, be agreed to.

Mr Berry: I seek leave to make a short statement, Mr Speaker. It will not be controversial. Trust me.

MR SPEAKER: Not in the middle of a vote.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. I think we need to avoid unnecessary debate on issues which are of little import in the Assembly and which, moreover, have been dealt with in the Assembly. The motion moved by Mr Jensen seems to have overtaken a motion to take note of a paper in relation to the same subject matter. As I recall, I sought leave to move a motion to take note of the paper that Mr Kaine had before the house, and I seek leave of the Assembly to withdraw that motion.

MR SPEAKER: I will take advice. I cannot remember that circumstance.

Mr Jensen: It was in respect of the casino, Wayne, that you moved that the Assembly takes note of the paper. Then Rosemary moved for the adjournment. Is that what you are talking about?

MR SPEAKER: I think that is correct, Mr Berry. I think you moved that motion in respect of the previous statement relating to section 19.

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