Page 342 - Week 01 - Thursday, 14 February 1991

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(7) In view of the fact that three of the four hearingimpaired children in the Weetangera unit spend 50% of their time in fully integrated activities in the classrooms, and the other spends 100 of his time fully integrated, why did the objective acoustical testing referred to not include the classrooms where integrated activities take place now or are to take place if the proposed consolidation occurs.

(8) Is it the case that the Minister indicated to the parents of the hearing-impaired children that he would agree to the objective testing of the classrooms if they undertook to drop their opposition on all other grounds to the proposed move of the Hearing Impaired Unit to the Hawker site.

(9) Will the Minister undertake to have objective acoustical testing of the classrooms at both schools undertaken.

MR HUMPHRIES - the answer to Mr Woods question is:

(1) Ministerial staff from the Student Services Section and the Acoustical Consultants both reported to me that the noise generated by the air-conditioning reverse cycle system at Hawker Primary School, when compared with the noise generated by the fan forced ventilation system at Weetangera Primary School, did not constitute a major discriminating factor.

(2) The cost of the testing was $1 000 exactly.

(3) Acoustical Consultants in Association, Mark Eisner and Eric Taylor, are acknowledged experts in the area of acoustics and school buildings. Both have worked as consultants in the ACT and NSW and have been involved in advising both government and private school planners regarding the appropriate acoustic arrangements in schools.

(4) The Ministry does have specialist staff qualified in the teaching of the deaf. Barbara Moore, the HIV teacher at Weetangera, was consulted. The Ministry also has a HIV located at Mawson Primary School. There is also an itinerant teacher of the deaf. A Project Officer in the Student Services Section, Mr Frank Foliate, is currently reviewing the delivery of services to all hearing impaired and visually impaired students. Mr Foliate, who has been employed as a specialist in this area for the past five years, was referred to when assessing the two locations.


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