Page 339 - Week 01 - Thursday, 14 February 1991

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Therefore, Mr Speaker, I do not accept that I have any conflict of interest, as has been suggested by Mr Moore, in relation to this particular matter. There are also other issues of concern to the committee that relate to inquiries relating to policy plan changes that also have to be looked at. It is not just a simple matter, Mr Moore, of saying, "This one must start and this one will stop tomorrow".

I think the point, as Mr Moore well knows, is also that Mrs Nolan, a member of the committee, is on, I believe, six other committees as well. It is important to make sure that members are available, and the workload that Mrs Nolan has as a member of six committees must be taken into account as well in relation to this matter, so that we can have appropriate committee meetings. I think that is all I wish to say on that matter.

Mr Speaker, I do not accept that I have a conflict of interests and I do believe that I can do my job effectively and efficiently both as Executive Deputy and also as chairman of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Assembly adjourned at 4.57 pm until Tuesday, 19 February 1991, at 2.30 pm

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