Page 337 - Week 01 - Thursday, 14 February 1991

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MR HUMPHRIES: I look forward with interest to reading that letter. I have not seen it myself yet; but, if the letter to me indicates some information or reason why the hydrotherapy pool is about to close or is under threat, I will be very happy to consider the evidence of that fact. But I will almost certainly be assuring that correspondent, when I write back, that the Government has made no plans, and has no plans under consideration, to close the hydrotherapy pool.

I have not seen this letter that Ms Follett is flashing around. If it contains information that proves that the thing is about to close, that is fine.

Mr Berry: I do not want you to table it.

MR HUMPHRIES: I will not table it. I have not read the whole letter, of course, but it talks about rumoured alternatives for current pool users. I cannot take the time of the Assembly to read it while I am standing, but it is not clear to me what the basis of this concern is. It is true, I think, from memory, that the hydrotherapy pool closes for maintenance annually around Christmas time, when the use is lowest. Of course, that may be a reason why this person has written in with some concerns. I will be looking at this letter and replying to it, but I will be assuring this person that the Government has no plans under consideration to close the hydrotherapy pool.

It would seem to me that the pool is an important part - indeed a vital part - of services offered for a range of patients in the Royal Canberra Hospital South, and in those circumstances it is hard to see how it could possibly not continue to be provided. So I am not going to offer the categorical, point blank assurances that Mr Berry seeks. I have indicated that I will not give those sorts of assurances, because seeking them amounts to fishing. But it is equally a contempt for the people of the ACT if anybody in this Assembly goes out to the public of this community and says, "We believe that your hydrotherapy pool is under threat".

Mr Berry: I asked you yesterday and you could not tell us.

MR HUMPHRIES: What I have said to this place, and to Mr Berry, gives absolutely no indication of any plans or any intention on the part of this Government to close the pool, and in those circumstances for Mr Berry or anybody else to say that there is some risk to the pool is callous and - - -

Mr Berry: I have not done that; I just asked you a question.

MR HUMPHRIES: I accept that you have not done it, and I sincerely hope that you do not because, to be quite frank, I have seen evidence in the past of claims by the Opposition that things were going to happen on the basis of

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