Page 332 - Week 01 - Thursday, 14 February 1991

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We do not have to impose that restriction on ourselves because the matter is of such great public interest. It is so important that this matter should be raised in the public domain and be debated further. As I would see it in the long term, the investigation of this matter should get well beyond that of a parliamentary committee; it should go to a royal commissioner. It is ironic in a way that just today we have passed a Bill relating to inquiries of that nature.

Debate interrupted.


MR SPEAKER: It being slightly past 4.30, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Collaery: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.


Speaker's Ruling

Debate resumed.

MR MOORE: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I had indicated that at the end of my speech I would seek leave to move this motion. I believe that this would be the appropriate time to do so, would it not?


Leave granted.

MR MOORE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. In that case I move:

That this Assembly, in the interests of the community, override the decision of the Speaker and that the Assembly:

(1) order the tabling; and

(2) authorise the publication

of the two letters of Allen, Allen and Hemsley, dated 25 November 1987 and 11 December 1987, to the Chief General Manager of Westpac.

Mr Speaker, having spoken for so long, I will speak no more on this, but I retain my right of reply.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (4.36): Mr Moore's motion puts the Assembly in a difficult position; but, of course, he is an elected representative and is standing, as of right, to raise what is, on his contention, an issue of extreme public interest.

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