Page 313 - Week 01 - Thursday, 14 February 1991

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that were made. A great deal of attention needs to be given to TAFE, because of the difficult circumstances that I have described. I will be pleased to initiate debates in this Assembly so that we can examine the role of TAFE and see how well it is going or exactly what it needs. It does play a most important part in the development of this city. We do have in this report the basis for further scrutiny, for consideration of what is best to occur, and it does provide scope for further matters that I will raise during the year.

MS MAHER (3.30): Mr Speaker, as we are all well aware, all ACT Government agencies have been asked to tighten their belts and live within the financial restraints imposed by the Commonwealth. This has resulted in agencies, including TAFE, needing to take stock and review their priorities and operations in order to cope with these economic circumstances. The task before TAFE now is not simply to reduce its operations or cut back courses to fit within its budget without considering the impact this would have upon the community, industry and the local economy.

The working party which reviewed the provision and financial management of ACT TAFE services did not forget the disadvantaged members of our society. Within this complex task of examining TAFE's financial and educational planning strategies, the needs of all TAFE's clients have been addressed. I am especially pleased to note the Government's decision to strengthen the role of the institute's advisory committee in guiding and monitoring key priority settings and planning decisions of the institute. I also note that this committee will be reviewing the institute's access and equity policies so that appropriate priorities are placed on providing assistance to disadvantaged groups. These strategies will ensure that the community's viewpoint will be able to be addressed throughout the committee and that the needs of the disadvantaged will not be overlooked.

Mr Speaker, I have a major interest in TAFE, mainly from the viewpoint of women, people with disabilities, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, and all those who find it hardest to obtain a good job.

At present I am involved in two major projects which Mr Wood will be interested in hearing about in that they will be improving the access to courses and training for women. It is important that women can get the training needed to realise their full potential and to be able to obtain employment in areas that most suit their needs. A top priority, for example, is helping women get back into the work force after they have had children or have been out of the work force for some other reason. Some women, when returning to the work force, choose a different career, while others need confidence builders. It is important that the appropriate courses be available to enable them to achieve their ideal employment.

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