Page 301 - Week 01 - Thursday, 14 February 1991

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It is a question of looking at what those opposite say about consultation. We have consulted with the community, and the TLC, which was involved actively in the Cook picket, said to us, "As a condition of us lifting our bans on Cook and Macquarie schools - at least on the Macquarie school - we would like to see an inquiry into the Independent Living Centre's location and, as a result, we would like to see it stay there". That might not have been what the Macquarie parents wanted. It might not even have been what the Cook parents wanted. Certainly, both sets of parents - or, at least, representatives of both sets of parents - have told me that they would rather that it was gone. But I have acquiesced - or at least my predecessor, as Acting Minister, has acquiesced - in a TLC request for a delay in that move. If those opposite in the Labor Party cannot get their act together with their allies in the TLC, that is not my fault.

MR BERRY: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. I am very pleased that the Minister has, today, got his finger on the pulse on an issue that he could not answer yesterday. He has told us that the number of students is actually 36. I am glad he has confirmed that because - - -

Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I raise standing order 119.

MR SPEAKER: Supplementary questions are to be brief and to the point.

MR BERRY: This will be brief.

MR SPEAKER: It has not been so far. Please proceed.

MR BERRY: Schools are generally staffed for 30 students, Mr Speaker. How is it that this class is at the 36 level? You promised, Mr Humphries, that no child would be disadvantaged.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, my promises can certainly be implemented as soon as other people who involve themselves in the process accept the problems associated with these situations and allow the Government to get on with the business of providing high quality education for children in those schools. The fact of life is, Mr Speaker, that we have to deal with other people in the community and in this case I have to say that, in my opinion, the TLC's request has resulted in inconvenience, hopefully on a temporary basis, for students at Macquarie school.

However, Mr Berry did get one of his facts wrong again. He failed to mention, that although there are 36 children in the class, it is treated as a composite class and has two teachers. Therefore, with two teachers, there is a ratio of 18 children to each teacher. That is a very acceptable ratio, considerably below the 30 that Mr Berry mentioned before.

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