Page 250 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 13 February 1991

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I have been advised of one unfortunate incident involving the early transfer of a mentally ill prisoner, at his own request, back into the normal prison system. This was authorised by relief psychiatric staff and was in fact contrary to agreed views exchanged between my department staff and the prison psychiatrist. A few days after the transfer, the prisoner was allegedly sexually assaulted. As the result of this incident, and intervention by our Corrective Services staff, the prisoner has been transferred back into the prison hospital - a more appropriate facility for this particular person.

The ministerial advisory committee looking at these issues has already met twice. It is receiving submissions and it is taking a broad purview on the issue. I wish to stress that the terms of reference for that committee enable it to make the fullest recommendations for us in this area. The terms of reference have been deliberately drafted so as to not antagonise the New South Wales Government.

On the subject of care for those with mental illness - and I know interest has been expressed in this issue recently - 20 of our ACT Corrective Services staff have now completed the in-service training course designed here in the ACT, and all custodial and most other professional correction staff will have completed the course by 4 March 1991. I am pleased to advise the house that a senior psychologist with extensive prior forensic experience, both in Victoria and overseas, commenced duty with our Adult Corrective Services section early in January this year. The detailed design for the six new special psychiatric care cells at the Belconnen Remand Centre is now complete and tenders will be sought this month. The cells are expected to be ready by early September.

As members are aware, legislative amendments are imminent to enable us temporarily to hold in custody persons who, although they are sentenced offenders and cannot currently be put into a remand centre, should properly be held in the Belconnen Remand Centre and in particular in the psychiatric care cells. Members will recall a recent tragedy affecting a person in that category.

We have also instituted interim procedures to ensure that there are better procedures for the transfer of court recommendations and medical documents regarding our prisoners as they go under warrant under escort either to Goulburn or to Malabar.

I believe that those comments should be made. I appreciate the fact that Mr Connolly has not sought to whip this Government along. I think it is legitimate for the Opposition to keep cracking the whip, if they like, on this issue. But there is a broad and representative committee sitting. I met with them again recently. They have indicated to me that they intend to meet with the Opposition at an early date and to brief the Opposition on the same issues they briefed me on and to seek views and so

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