Page 239 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 13 February 1991

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when one of those stations was closed, particularly for a shift, it is quite possible that the staff were involved in other services. In fact they may have been operating on a number of occasions before they were able to return to their station because of a call that was received while they were en route or on the way back to the station.

It is quite clearly important that that ambulance be dispatched quickly before it goes to the station. What is the point of sending that ambulance back to the Calwell station so that they can check in before they go out to provide a service for the patient that has called for the ambulance services? Quite clearly, that is a nonsense. That is why we have a very expensive two-way system fitted to our ambulances so that they can respond while travelling after they have completed an emergency service delivery.

Members will recall that back in October last year, in fact, Mr Berry was censured by this Assembly for his actions in relation to the provision of ambulance services to race meetings. At that time it was quite clear that Mr Berry was fully aware of the issues related to the provision of services by ambulances within the ACT. It is very churlish of Mr Berry to seek once again to take cheap political points. If he was genuinely concerned with the welfare of the Ambulance Service, he would, in fact, be supporting the Government's program of development for the service and not, as it appears from this matter of public importance today, taking every opportunity to unnecessarily question the capacity and competence of what is in fact a very fine ambulance service for the ACT.

Mr Connolly: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. Mr Berry at no time questioned the competence of the ACT Ambulance Service.

MR SPEAKER: If Mr Berry wishes to claim to have been misrepresented he can do that at the end of the speech. Please proceed, Mr Jensen.

MR JENSEN: Thank you, Mr Speaker. By continually bringing up this matter when he knows that the ACT Ambulance Service is a competent service which is operating professionally, I suggest he is possibly seeking to make it difficult for these people to operate and provide this service.

Our dedicated ambulance officers deserve much better support from all members of this Assembly and it is unfortunate that Mr Berry continues this carping attitude to the provision of medical services within the ACT. Once again, one would have thought that, if he was genuinely concerned for the provision of services of this type to the people of the ACT, he would be cooperating with the Minister responsible to ensure that these services are provided and supported on a bipartisan basis. Unfortunately, Mr Berry seems to have a bit of a problem with that.

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