Page 220 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 13 February 1991

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MR KAINE: I do not know what Mr Duby said; but I am going to answer the question despite the Opposition, because it is a matter of considerable concern to a lot of people in Belconnen who are interested to know what the Government is doing. I would - - -

Ms Follett: It is, and that is why we took it up while you were on holidays.

MR KAINE: Gee, we have a mean-minded lot opposite, have we not, Mr Speaker? The fact is that this is a matter of considerable concern. I do not believe that there was any problem with the time given. What some of the complainants do not seem to appreciate is that the document that was put out by the Government was a preliminary assessment report - - -

Mr Berry: This is a different answer, Craig.

MR KAINE: A preliminary assessment report - - -

Mr Duby: Don't you worry about that.

Mr Berry: It is easy to see that you come from Queensland - rubbery figures.

MR KAINE: That preliminary assessment report requested some public comment by 31 December 1990. Mr Speaker, I wonder whether I could be given the courtesy of being allowed to answer this question instead of having to deal with the cross-talk.

MR SPEAKER: Certainly you could. Would you please desist, Mr Berry and Mr Duby.

MR KAINE: Mr Berry talks incessantly during question time and everything else as well. I think he should be called to order.

Mr Connolly: He was answering Mr Duby.


MR KAINE: The preliminary assessment report contained only a very general description of possible developments in that area. It canvassed a range of issues of interest to the public - if not to the Opposition - that would need to be dealt with in planning and environmental assessment work in that area. The purpose of the report was, first of all, to inform the public that the area was being considered for possible urban development and, secondly, to invite public comment at an early stage as an input to the planning and environmental process, consistent with provisions of the draft ACT Environmental Assessments and Inquiries Bill. That was a reasonable thing for the Government to do.

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