Page 210 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 13 February 1991

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One wonders how much they were paid by the Government. We will find out how much they were paid to move in and sort out the industrial part. Of course, we then have the activities of the leader of the Residents Rally party who promised the education people, the people who support our education system - unlike the Residents Rally party - that he would not support using police on the people in those schools.

Mr Collaery: Not so. It is a deliberate untruth.

MR BERRY: You do support the using of police? He was the one who would not. Ask the schools people. They are the ones who understood. Of course, we have also heard Mr Jensen before on schools. We have heard about his support for education and, in particular, so have the people from Lyons. He is keeping his head down now.

Anyway, at the end of the day, it was Minister Collaery who advertised the fact that he was comfortable with the arrest of those residents, including the blind woman and her dog. He is the person who suggests that he supports the education system. There is no doubt that they set out to attack the community and not worry about the casualties. I am afraid the casualties are out there. I can tell you that the word is spreading that you will not be back to do it again. You will soon have the opportunity at the next election to guarantee us that you will not be closing any schools.

You will be given the opportunity, I can assure you. Will you give us that guarantee, or have you too much blood on your hands now from the way that you handled the industrial relations issue in the education system? The problem is that the damage that you have done in industrial relations will be with us for some time. It will damage the Territory, like so many of the things that you have already done while you have been in government.

The fact of the matter is that this Government has been over the top in the way that it has handled industrial relations. The hairy-chested Minister for Health has taken on the nurses and been done like a dinner.

MR SPEAKER: Order! It being 12.30 pm, the debate is interrupted in accordance with standing order 77.

Sitting suspended from 12.30 to 2.30 pm

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