Page 205 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 13 February 1991

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I was waiting for Mr Collaery or Mr Duby to get up and join in this debate - the one maybe to support Mr Humphries, the other perhaps to criticise him. That is the reason why I suspect Mr Collaery is still in his seat, because he decided that it would be better not to stand up. He would prefer perhaps not to help the Opposition on this motion.

Mr Humphries quoted a letter from Mr Philbrick, who was very active - and he is entitled to be so - in his campaign to get North Curtin Primary School children into South Curtin Primary School. It may be only coincidental that Mr Philbrick lives directly across the road from the South Curtin school. I think it is also worthy of note that quite a number of Curtin children have moved across to Lyons, where they find the environment a little more to their liking, although I have no - - -

Mr Duby: When?

MR WOOD: When they enrolled, at the beginning of this year.

Mr Duby: People went from North Curtin Primary School to Lyons?

MR WOOD: Yes; not a great number, but a few people. I have been talking to those parents. I have no criticism of what happens at the new Curtin Primary School, and I certainly agree with Mr Humphries that it is a school that is running and operating well, given the difficulty of its beginnings. But I believe that the Opposition has sustained its arguments today. Our arguments remain valid. The evidence of the history of the last year speaks for itself and, if we need any more confirmation of that, it comes in the silence of the people who sit on the same side of this house as Mr Humphries.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (12.09): I table the following extract from ALP policy:

School closures - Copy of ALP education policy on school closures.

MR SPEAKER: The question is: That the motion be agreed to.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I seek leave to table a document. It is a motion which was dealt with at the last annual conference of the ACT branch of the Labor Party.

Leave granted.

MR BERRY: I table the following paper:

School closures - ACT Branch of the Australian Labor Party - Education motion for conference.

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