Page 185 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 13 February 1991

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has never been able to answer reasonable questions about the administration of his department. What sort of administration is that? What sort of administrator is Mr Humphries when he has no grasp of what is happening?

The refurbishment of South Curtin is a prime example. At the last possible moment, rushed efforts were made. I disagree with the principle of that; but I would have thought that, if the Government was determined to go ahead with that, it would not leave it to the last minute and have to pay, as we believe, bonuses and overtime. It incurred additional expenses as a result of a last minute rush. But that is the way that this Minister takes it. It is the only way, it seems, that he can conduct his department. In the end we finish up with inferior accommodation in Curtin.

Mr Humphries: Have you been out there?

MR WOOD: No, I have not; I am relying on reports of parents.

Mr Humphries: Well, go out there and look before you say that.

MR WOOD: Well, thank you; I will go and have a look.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Wood! Address your comments through the Chair, please.

MR WOOD: I am quite happy with the interjecting, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Well, I am not, Mr Wood. Please address your comments through the Chair.

MR WOOD: Well, thank you. I will go out and take the parents with me as well, or I will consult with those parents again. But, through you, Mr Speaker, are you satisfied with the accommodation?

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Wood.

Mr Humphries: Yes, I am.

MR WOOD: Mr Humphries, when he replies, may tell me whether he is satisfied that the accommodation at Curtin, as we must call that school now, is up to the standard that we expect in this Territory.

The third point I raised about Mr Humphries' administrative style is his clear lack of direction. Mr Humphries has not displayed an educational vision; a vision and a leadership that we would expect from the Minister for Education. Where have we got to in the last 15 months of Mr Humphries' administration? Can Mr Humphries look back and see what progress we have made? Where are the educational advances?

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