Page 14 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 12 February 1991

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Mrs Grassby: What are the facilities that have been promised?

MR HUMPHRIES: It is quite simple to answer your question. A standard government school with no particular frills will be provided at South Curtin school. I went to the school myself - - -

Mrs Grassby: They were promised improved facilities.

MR HUMPHRIES: Apparently Mrs Grassby would like to answer the question herself. I am sure that she will have plenty of opportunity to do that.

Mr Wood: Do you reckon?

MR HUMPHRIES: Perhaps not. Mr Speaker, my advice to you and to the Assembly is that nothing special or exceptional has been promised to South Curtin. To date, the work carried out at South Curtin has been necessary to bring it up to the standard of most government schools in the ACT. Carpeting has been put down in a number of classrooms; some partitions have been taken out and others put in. I went to the school myself last Wednesday, I think it was, to examine the progress in those matters, and I was quite satisfied that the school is making good progress towards a satisfactory state of facilities for students. The part of the school that was occupied by the Therapy Centre is still in the process of being refurbished. That will take, I understand, a few more weeks to complete; but I should indicate that when that is complete we will again have there a standard, adequate school for the ACT.

Of course, it is not just facilities that make a high quality school, as Mrs Grassby would be well aware. It is the quality of the work going on by the staff and others who provide services in that school, and, of course, the parents themselves. I can say, Mr Speaker, having visited that school last week, that the morale and the enthusiasm of the staff there to provide high quality education, both to students from what was previously the North Curtin school and to Lyons school students in the future, are very high. I have no doubt whatsoever that that will be an excellent school for the ACT in coming years. That is a matter on which I think anybody who visits the school can have no doubt.

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