Page 119 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 12 February 1991

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(14) Details of staff turnover at BBC since 1986 are as follows:

1986: ASC 42. Resignations 4; transfers 5; redeployment 3; disciplinary matters 1. Total separations: 13. This represents a total turnover of 31 % of the ASC, of which 19% was due to transfer on promotion.

1987: ASC 42. Resignations 3; transfers 3; redeployment nil; disciplinary matters nil. Total separations: 6.. This represents a total turnover of 14% of the ASC, of which 7% was due to transfer on promotion.

1988: ASC 42. Resignations 7; transfers 7; redeployment 1; disciplinary matters nil. Total separations: 15. This represents a total turnover of 36% of the ASC, of which 19% was due to transfer on promotion.

1989: ASC 42. Resignations 1; transfers 4; redeployment 1; disciplinary matters nil. Total separations: 6. This represents a total turnover of 14% of the ASC, of which 5% was due to transfer on promotion.

1990: ASC 57. Resignations 3; transfers 6; redeployment nil; disciplinary matters 2. Total separations: 11. This represents a total turnover of 19% of the ASC, of which 9% was due to transfer on promotion.

Out of a total cumulative ASC of 265 for the period 1 January 1986 to 30 September 1990, the corresponding separations totalling 51 represent an overall turnover rate of 19%.

All staff resignations were for personal reasons, or to pursue other career paths in the private sector. Two resignations were submitted due to officers transferring to an interstate correctional jurisdiction to resume a new career.

All transfers were career progression moves, resulting in transfers within the Public Service on promotion.

In relation to comparing turnover at the Belconnen Remand Centre with Public Service averages, this information was not readily available and was not sought as the relevance of any comparison would, at best, be highly dubious due to the difference in Public Service positions.

(15) I was unable to respond to the allegations raised by Mr Albrighton until appeal proceedings into his conduct were completed. These proceedings are now complete. I have requested the Personnel Practices area to examine the issues.

(16) See response to question 15 above.


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