Page 5189 - Week 17 - Thursday, 13 December 1990
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MR DUBY: I thank Mr Jensen for the question. Yes, Mr Jensen, I am aware of the article which is titled "Valley residents ignored over road". I want to take this opportunity to refute the allegations in the Valley View and to assure Tuggeranong Valley residents that they are not being ignored. On the contrary, those valley residents who in the past have been ignored, namely, the bus travelling public, are being very much brought to the fore. It is worth noting that Tuggeranong residents are increasingly catching buses, and who would argue that that is not a very pleasing trend? The improvements to Athllon Drive will cut several minutes off bus travel times, thereby increasing the attractiveness of bus travel, and will reduce ACTION's operating costs. All over Australia public transport is being given priority, for a range of environmental, social and economic reasons. Furthermore, these improvements will enhance traffic and pedestrian safety and will reduce delays at intersections.
What the article fails to mention is that many millions of dollars have been spent on car commuters in Tuggeranong, on both the Tuggeranong Parkway and the Eastern Parkway. Another $11m is being spent on the Eastern Parkway in the next 12 months. In addition, Long Gully Road is being upgraded to improve access to the Eastern Parkway for northern Tuggeranong residents. Bus travellers are often forgotten by transport planners and policy makers. These commuters rarely act as a pressure group for their own interests. In this case, however, they have not been forgotten. Internationally, urban transport initiatives are revolving around public transport to protect the residential amenity of urban areas.
Mr Berry: Come on. You are finished, are you? Good.
MR DUBY: I am still answering this question, Mr Berry. Mr Speaker, the Athllon Drive proposal makes sense for all Tuggeranong residents, now and in the future, and is something that should be heartily endorsed.
Ministerial Arrangements
MR CONNOLLY: My question is to the Chief Minister. Will the Chief Minister follow the practice in all other Australian legislatures by advising the Assembly of the details of impending ministerial absences and acting arrangements?
MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, no member of the Government will be absent on leave during any times at which the Assembly will be sitting. As far as I am aware, they will be absent only during the term break. Under such circumstances I do not believe that I have any responsibility or obligation to inform Mr Connolly or anybody else of what my private movements are.
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