Page 5183 - Week 17 - Thursday, 13 December 1990

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MR BERRY: The only people that the Liberal Party represent are those people who would be able to afford to give up their time because they have plenty anyway, but the fact of the matter is that there are ordinary people out there who could make a major contribution to the delivery of public services in the Australian Capital Territory who will be prevented from doing so because they cannot afford to give their time free.

Mr Stefaniak: Oh, rubbish! They are not being prevented.

MR BERRY: I hear cries of "Rubbish" from Mr Big Bill Stefaniak. He does not seem to even understand that there are some people who do not have enough money to feed themselves in this town, let alone give up their time and wages to participate in boards of this nature. It is a stupid decision. It is born out of stupid circumstances and I must say that the Government will be remembered for its stupidity in relation to this matter.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (12.34): I think Mr Berry deserves a response. I note that he has worn his more threadbare suit today, not his double-breasted suit.

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Mr Collaery has made a habit of making personal remarks about the appearance of any number of my members, but especially Mr Berry. If you read your green book, which is on your desk, Mr Collaery, you will see that that is totally unparliamentary.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I had not finished. It is a literary allusion and anyone who is well read would understand where it comes from. I submit to you, Mr Speaker, that it would be absolutely absurd if we allow these doctrinaires to dominate our language.

Mr Berry: What are you talking about?

Mr Collaery: I am referring to a debate about the poor and I am using an allusion, and I do not see at all, Mr Speaker, why I should have to withdraw or respond to that fatuous comment by the Leader of the Opposition.

MR SPEAKER: Under the explanation given by Mr Collaery I do not uphold your objection there, Ms Follett.

Mr Moore: Bernard, it was the wrong person.

Mr Collaery: I am sorry; it was Mr Moore with the holes in his suit.


Ms Follett: Mr Speaker, his intention was quite clear. He has made constant reference to Mr Berry's height, and to Mr Moore's appearance. His intention in that comment by him was absolutely clear.

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