Page 5089 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 12 December 1990
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are eight supposedly big bin type of glass receptacles and they are all linked up to the one machine, all hooked up and then tipped into the truck into the respective brown, green and clear glass areas. That is proving to be a very time-efficient and cost-effective method of glass collection. But, if Mr Stevenson knows of any problems in that area, I would appreciate it if he would let me know.
Security Arrangements
MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, my question is addressed to Mr Kaine as the Treasurer. I refer him to the Speaker's answer yesterday to a question about the security arrangements, in particular, where the Speaker said that the Government would be paying for the new security measures in the building. What is the cost of these measures, was that cost included in the budget and from what appropriation item will the funds be drawn?
MR KAINE: The best advice I have is that the security arrangements that are being put in place - which are quite minimal and compare favourably with those that you will find in any public building in Canberra - will cost something of the order of $60,000 a year, as the annual recurrent cost. It will come out of my Executive budget and I will adjust my budgeting accordingly.
Firefighters - Retirement Benefits
MR STEFANIAK: My question is addressed to the Minister for Finance and Urban Services. Would the Minister tell the Assembly what the Government is doing to address the matter of retirement benefits for ACT firefighters required to retire at the age of 60?
MR DUBY: I thank Mr Stefaniak for the question relating to retirement benefits for firefighters who are required to retire at the age of 60. I am pleased to advise that the Government has agreed to amend the Fire Brigade (Administration) Act to provide that the Commonwealth provisions relating to the payment of cessation benefits will apply to ACT Fire Brigade members who elect to remain in the current Commonwealth superannuation scheme. That piece of legislation will be coming before the Assembly next year, and as a result the needs and claims of the current firefighters who fall into that particular category will be met. I believe that the union, which was previously the FFU, is very satisfied with the negotiations that they have completed with the Government.
MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, I request that any further questions be placed on the notice paper.
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